Making Fashion Statements With Dual-toned Modular Kitchens

Making Fashion Statements With Dual-toned Modular Kitchens

Dual-toned Modular Kitchens

We all know what our kitchen should be like before we start planning the interiors of our houses. We generally choose the style first and the colour next. Yet we hardly consider the appeal and the tone it sets when we enter the kitchen. For people who consider themselves foodies, we surely miss out on the whole vibe the kitchen is going to have when it comes to the designing part. Oftentimes, the final design of the modular kitchen after completion feels just satisfactory or we feel like something is missing but we don’t exactly know what. This blog will give you an idea of how to fill that void!

You must have thought about various colours that will liven up the kitchen interiors as you should, after all, there are so many gorgeous colours available in the market. But have you ever thought of going for a dual-toned kitchen? It can add the missing flair to your kitchen and elevate the interior design. The dual-tone based modular kitchen designs are raising the bar in the design and the overall appeal of the kitchen interiors. The dual-tone colour choice is slowly becoming a fan favourite and making its way to be used in all kinds of modular kitchen designs.

Here are the reasons why going for a dual-toned modular kitchen can be the best choice to make a fashion statement-

1. Gives an illusion of space:
So many houses and apartments nowadays have compact kitchens. This can dull our mood because we want to have some free space to roam around to find things while cooking. Designing the kitchen with a dual-tone can create an illusion of more space so that we don’t feel compacted when we enter the kitchen. Choosing lighter colours that reflect light on the top cabinets will force our eyes to focus on the upper half of the kitchen, in that way we can create an illusion of space.

2. Adds character to the kitchen:
Going for a dual-tone for modular kitchen design can elevate the interior and add versatility and personality to the kitchen. Dual-toned modular kitchens have the advantage of adapting to any theme or style that goes with the house. Dual-tone can also eliminate the confusion and conundrum that we may have between two different but very good colour choices for our home.

Modular Kitchens

3. Ups the resale value:
When deciding to buy a house, we look for existing interior works that we need to get redesigned and remade and the interior designs that are good for us to keep. A dual-toned kitchen is so appealing to the eyes that most of the time people are convinced to keep the interior of the kitchen intact. Getting a dual-toned kitchen can help you in increasing the resale value of your home when you decide to sell it.

4. Adds a Definite Tone to the Kitchen:
Having a uniform and minimal design to the kitchen cabinets can instantly dull the mood of the space. Going for a dual-toned kitchen can add flair and a definite tone to the kitchen that can uplift everyone’s mood. It can also affect how the food tastes too. Your mood is better so automatically the food you prepare becomes tastier.

5. Quirky and Eye Candy:
Designing all of the kitchen in one colour and adding a finishing touch with a different colour can create a quirky personality to the kitchen. It can be a symmetrical design where you carefully design considering the type of interior you wish to go with or an asymmetrical design where you just pop a different colour at random spots and cabinets in the kitchen. This can be very pleasing to the eye and will make you want to visit the kitchen more than usual either to appreciate its beauty or just for the sake of it.

Now, as we know how the dual-toned modular kitchen designs help in making a unique and brilliant fashion statement, let’s see some tips on how to improve the already awesome dual-toned modular kitchen:

Modular Kitchens

1. Decide on the Outline of the Kitchen First:
Deciding on the outline lets you create a focal point in the kitchen. The focal point can be an Modular island kitchen or hardware equipment that stands out in the modular kitchen design. After deciding on the basic design, you can go ahead and add the colours of your choice. This can help in choosing precisely what colour goes where.

2. Keep Darker Shades at the Bottom Half of the Kitchen:
Painting the modular kitchen with lighter shades on the upper half and having the lower cabinets in a darker shade can make the modular kitchen interior visually lighter. Use the colours that complement each other to find that perfect balance for your interior.

3. Add Some White:
A third colour that is minimalistic to the dual-toned kitchen can give your eyes some rest while they focus on the 2 different and contrasting colours. This can add oomph to the already existing fashion statement your modular kitchen displays.

4.Find the Perfect Flooring:
Not only the colours of the interior but the flooring plays an important role in making the modular kitchen look complete. Go for darker flooring options if your cabinets have a lighter shade and go for a lighter flooring if your kitchen cabinets have a darker shade.

Considering everything, a dual-toned modular kitchen is guaranteed to stand out and give a sense of satisfaction whenever you walk into the kitchen. Würfel is a young brand that specialises in interior designing. We have won the Times Business award for the ‘Best Modular Kitchen Brand’ four years in a row. We can help you in turning your house into a healthy and happy home. To know more about Würfel.